


About Us

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Hi. Hello. Welcome ! We are so excited you are here visiting our brand new website. Its been a few months since I have last blogged and it feels like its been forever!

Im Kate , co owner of Off BEET Productions and the primary voice of this blog. I’m not superhuman, so from time to time Denny ( my husband and Co-Owner) and our other artist contribute as well !

There have been a lot of changes in the past few months. We recently moved out of our Fair Haven Office and into a new co working space at Bell Works in Holmdel.  ( its a super cool building and if your an architecture buff like me be sure to check it out ) We decided to do a complete website overhaul, and we added another talented photographer Megan to our team. Personally, we welcomed a new fur baby into our family. Mr Riggz is a super cute Pomeranian who has one blue eye. Denny and I already have a 10 year old pom named Dexter, but clearly we completely forgot how much work a puppy would be. However, after almost 3 months of no sleep we are finally back on track.

On top of that,  we renovated our home. It started as a small project, and quickly snowballed into a full blown renovation. Now that the dust is settling we can finally sit back and enjoy the house. (even though I feel like there will be construction dust forever ). Oh and Denny stared in a HGTV commercial ! Watch it here !

Denny and I love change. In fact , it energizes us. So now we have a new home, new puppy, new website , and new office and we are ready for a new chapter.

In the past Denny and I  have been quite private and tended to keep business and personal lives separate. We took a long hard look at everything this winter and asked ourselves why. They are so incredibly intertwined.  We pour our heart and should into this little business of ours and it is our passion. I always joke that photography used to be my hobby and I need a new one 😂.  But the reality is we are truly lucky to be able to work everyday building a business around things we are passionate about. We are always working but we are doing what we love.

So the last new thing is we have decided to share more of us with you. We are ready to get real and show you what happens behind the scenes and exactly who we are.

Lets start here :


So be sure to follow us on Instagram + Facebook. We hope you will enjoy !


Xoxo, Kate + Denny + the Off BEET Team